Pandora Tarot

Pandora Tarot was inspired from my love for Greek myth and art, and my dedication to Goddess. The stories I read of Bulfinch’s when I was nine, although male-centered, were still the first I knew of goddesses, of immortal women with fantastic powers, living as they chose.

An archetypal female being was chosen to represent each Major Arcana of the Tarot. The selections were based upon ancient and Classical sources for both text and images, as cited. Known to people millennia ago and to us today, these goddesses offer us, as they offered them, a bridge to connect our present to our past, and our reason to our souls.

Like the Classical Greeks, we live at a crossroads of time. Their myths speak of conflict between goddess and god, between immortal and mortal, between nature and artifice. Today many of us seek to heal the rifts, reverse the trend, and honor Goddess once again. In that spirit, I have taken the ancient words and images, and not re-imagined them, but made them my own. Begin here...
